


Our congratulations on the Ukraine Independence Day!  

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«City State» awarded participants of contest «Miss Schaslyv among schoolgirls of 9—11  forms, that took place  on 12 April at Schaslyve educational complex. Our congratulations to the winners!






About us

«City State» is young fast developing company. Our main activity is realization of projects in commercial and social real estate.

The basic activities of the company are development, designing and construction, management of the real estate objects after puting into operation.


Development of the concepts and  management of the constructed objects are carried out by company «City State». Our employees have strong experience in the construction and investment's market.


The motto «Embodying of dream» reflects not just an essence of activity of the company, but also its mission to an external world – new comfortable dwelling which would be affordable to all layers of society.


Today we are ready to start realization of several projects in construction in Schastlive area, Borispol district of the Kiev region.


In these projects is planned construction of the modern few-storey apartment-blocks with a social infrastructure around. Shopping center-entertaining, business center with a hotel complex, a complex of office centers, logistical and exhibition complexes are planned to be erected.
«City State» offers not just an objects of the real estate but  real estate of international quality, and a new inhabitancy of european level of comfort under the affordable price in the ukrainian market.


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