«CityStateService» is the one whole managing company of the real estate of holding company «City–State» in Schaslyve Village.

Company specialization is a administrative management and complex of housing services of the different real estate objects.
The functions of the Managing company covers all life cycles of objects management:
collaboration on a building development for bringing to conformity of structural and plan features of building and future functional duties;
control of providing by build organizations of rational and complex configuration of the sanitary-engineering systems and electric networks;
organization of apartments cleaning up, the current exploitation of engineering facilities;
control after the rational use of energy supply and providing of fire safety;
rendering of complex of housing and communal services to the residents;
co-operating with state and municipal structures, executing control functions in relation to organization.
«CityStateService» LLC work types :
1. Preparation works:
1.1 Cleaning of territory.
1.2 Demolishing of buildings.
1.3 Construction of temporal roads.
1.4 Construction of temporal networks.
2. Finishing works:
2.1 Finishing of facades.
2.2 Finishing of internal apartments by all types of finishing materials.
2.3 Furnishing of floors and floor coverages.
2.4 Roofing’s works.
3. Mounting of the internal engineering’s systems:
3.1 Plumbing and sewage system.
3.2 Heating.
3.3 Ventilation and climatization.
3.4 Power supply.
Solid experience and professional skills of «CityStateService» employees allow to execute different complicating works, saving the high standards of quality.